Hairdressers? Neighbors? 7 Surprising “Health Experts” Who Could Save Your Life


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Mom and/or dad: secret medical historians

Mom and/or dad: secret medical historiansiStock/kristian sekulic
For better or worse, they passed on the genes that could impact your risk of everything from diabetes to heart disease to cancer. But knowing that family history can help you and your doctor make smarter choices about the right timing of certain medical tests, treatments, and procedures.  However, a National Cancer Institute study found that people may not know their background as well as they think they do: People often reported incorrect information about their family of history of cancer to their doctors. So chat up your parents about the health issues that run in your family, including heart health, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and mental health conditions like depression, and then share that data with your physician. You may need to start certain tests, like a colonoscopy or mammogram, at an earlier age if colon or breast cancer runs in your family tree, for example. Or if your parents got heart disease early, your doc may take a more aggressive approach to medication if your blood pressure levels start spiking.
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